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FUDAN MICRO上海复旦微电子集团股份有限公司是从事超大规模集成电路的设计、开发和提供系统解决方案的专业公司

1998年7月,由复旦大学“专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室”、上海商业投资公司和一批梦想创建中国最好的集成电路设计公司(芯片设计)的创业者联合发起创建了FUDAN MICRO复旦微电子。公司成立以来,已成功地确立了在国内集成电路设计行业中举足轻重的地位。FUDAN MICRO复旦微电子公司于2000年8月4日在香港上市(股票编号:1385),成为国内集成电路设计行业第一家上市企业。

今日,FUDAN MICRO复旦微电子已从10多位创业者发展为拥有近800位员工的公司,用户遍及全球各地。公司更以卓越的管理,良好的发展潜能,骄人的业绩,为国内外同行所瞩目。2011年复旦微电子荣登《福布斯亚洲》杂志编辑评选的“最佳中小上市企业”。

立足上海,走向世界,FUDAN MICRO复旦微电子以发展中国微电子产业为己任,以赶超国际先进水平为目标,力争早日成为国际一流的集成电路跨国企业集团。

“专芯成就未来”,FUDAN MICRO复旦微电子与合作伙伴和最终用户一起,成就共同美好的未来!


FUDAN MICRO复旦微电子加强与国内外集成电路专业机构的合作,使公司源源不断得到坚实的技术支持和充足的人才储备。公司先后建立了复旦大学集成电路工程技术中心、中国科技大学SOC实验室,我们将在美国、欧洲等地区设立研发中心,形成全球化的技术研发网络。FUDAN MICRO复旦微电子现有的设计队伍强大齐整,在电路、版图、IP库、测试等每一个环节都拥有国内顶尖的人才。

FUDAN MICRO复旦微电子采用最先进的计算机辅助大规模集成电路分析设计系统(EDA),建立了从HDL直至版图设计和验证的一整套设计方法和流程。公司自主开发了一套IC标准单元库和宏单元库的自动化建库流程,已开发了几套针对不同工艺的IC标准单元库和两种具有自主版权的微控制器。

FUDAN MICRO复旦微电子恒守“无工厂化(fabless)”的模式,专注于发展集成电路设计的核心能力,选择最先进的生产线和生产工艺生产产品,为客户提供最大的产品价值。FUDAN MICRO复旦微电子实行严格的质量管理,早在1999年通过了ISO9001质量体系认证,2008年又通过了SGS的HSPM IECQ QC 080000有害物质过程管理体系,2012年公司通过了绿色气体排放管理体系ISO14064-1标准的核查,保证以最好的产品质量和最强大的应用支持服务提供给客户。

FUDAN MICRO复旦微电子现已形成了安全与识别、非挥发性存储器、智能电表、专用模拟电路四大产品和技术发展系列,并提供系统解决方案。

Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter FMSH) is a leading company specializing in the design and development of ASIC and the provision of total solutions.

In July 1998, Shanghai Commercial Investment Company, ASIC & System State-Key Laboratory of Fudan University and a group of founders with dreams and pioneer spirits established FMSH. Since then, FMSH has successfully taken a dominant position of the ASIC industry in China. FMSH went public in Hong Kong Growing Enterprise Market on August 4th, 2000(stock code: 8102), being the first listed IC design company from mainland China. On January 8th, 2014, the enterprise transferred of listing from GEM to Main Board(stock code: 1385).

Today, FMSH has been grown from 10 founders to over 700 employees with customers all around the world. With its excellent management system, high development potential and remarkable achievements, FMSH has attracted attention from people in IC industry both at home and abroad. The well-known Hong Kong magazine "Asia Financial" listed FMSH as one of the best ten companies in Mainland China in 2001.

Growing in shanghai, focusing on Hong Kong and heading to the world,FMSH aims at developing the microelectronics industry in China and keeping up with the international advanced technology. Our daily work has set a solid base for the company to become the leading global IC group.

"Better chips, better future" as its slogan, FMSH will stand together with our partners and ultimate customers to realize our better future!

In close collaboration with domestic and international IC institutes, FMSH gained strong technical expertise and high-qualified human resources. FMSH established the "IC Technology Center of Fudan University" and "SOC laboratory of Chinese Science & Technology University". Overseas research and development centers are planned to build a global technical research and development network. Our R&D group is skilled in all the fields of the IC design, including circuit layout, IP core and testing. We receive country's brightest brains directly from the university. 

FMSH has adopted the advanced EDA tools and has established a thorough design process from VHDL or Verilog HDL design to layout and verification. The company has also developed an automatic flowing of building standard-cell and macro-cell libraries, and has developed two kinds of micro-controller's IP with the self-owned intellectual property for various process technologies. 

FMSH has adopted "Fabless" business model and focuses on developing the IC design ability. It chooses the advanced product line and production techniques to provide its customer with the best products. FMSH implemented a strict quality control system to guarantee the finest products and the strongest application service to the customers. Early in December 1999, the company's quality control system received ISO9001 certification, HSPM IECQ QC 080000 certification of SGS in 2008 and ISO14064-1 certification in 2012. 

There are 4 main products and technological development families including security and identification, NVM, smart meters and special analog circuits and total solution provided by FMSH.

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